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Featured Posts
Everything from concussion prevention, to anxiety, to addiction, to brain hacks. Learn it all here from the clinic that understands the brain best.
Why Alpha-Stim Works Even When Medications Have Failed
Learn about the all-star therapy that's revolutionizing treatment for depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Essentials
Learn why and how HBOT works to create lasting healing throughout the whole body.
Do I Have Depression?
We'll cut to the chase. You're probably trying to figure out if you or a loved one has depression and if so, what you should do about it....
How to Beat Anxiety
What's actually standing in the way of your goals? What if it was possible to not only cope with mental health issues, but to also beat it?
How to Learn Faster
Many of us wish we were smarter or more capable of mastering new information. Here are a few strategies backed by neuroscience.
Anxiety and Cell Phone Use
On average, adults spend over 10 hours a day looking at screens or interacting with media. That's almost over half one's waking hours....
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
Can the weather actually affect your mental health? It can and does! Our environment has a definite impact on our physiology.
Gratitude and the Brain
Our last article focused on Neuroplasticity and the brain’s ability to self heal after an injury, by allowing it to morph and change. The...
Neuroplasticity: The Self-Healing Brain
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to morph, change, and heal. This is utilized in learning and after injury. Each neuron is...
4 Ways to Beat Pornography Addictions
Though difficult, the neurological effects and resultant emotional and social repercussions of a pornography addiction can be reversed. The
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