Alpha-Stim is a non-invasive cranial nerve stimulation therapy that is FDA approved to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic pain. Alpha-Stim uses specialized micro-currents to regulate activity in key areas of the brain. Along with balancing alpha wave signals, it also decreases cortisol levels while increasing serotonin levels.

BrainTap utilizes harmonizing tones synchronized with gentle light pulses that travel through the ear meridians and the retina, sending direct signals to the brain. This guides the brain into deep relaxation and various brainwave states. When combined with holographic guided relaxation audio, these isochronic tones, binaural beats and auriculotherapy can lead to reduced brain fog, more energy, healthier sleep, enhanced memory, keener focus, and improved overall quality of life.

MLS Cold Laser
The Multi-Wave Locked System Cold Laser therapy can enhance the production of ATP in cells. By increasing the efficiency of this response at a cellular level, Cold Laser therapy can be used to help patients absorb nutrients, excrete toxins, repair cell tissue and accelerate healing. The MLS laser is more powerful than other lasers, providing both immediate and lasting effects.

Force Plate
The Force Plate utilizes vibration as a form of therapy. Vibration therapy targets special sensory nerves and can be utilized to provide sensory rehabilitation and create activation of specific pathways that have become dysfunctional. The Force Plate activates the cerebellum which can help improve coordination, motor control, timing, spatial orientation, posture, motor learning, working memory, and mental rehearsal.

Halotherapy, also known as dry salt therapy, uses aerosol-ed medical grade sodium chloride to decrease inflammation, kill pathogens, detoxify pollutants, and boost immunity response in the respiratory system.
Halotherapy is beneficial for all ages and genders and its multi-faceted effects make it extremely efficient at aiding the body fully recover from nearly every type of respiratory issue.
Mucokinetic and absorptive effects of the sodium chloride increase lung capacity and oxygen intake, leading to not only respiratory benefits, but overall wellness. This well-studied therapy is non-invasive, has little to no side-effects, and each session has the added benefit of de-stressing rejuvenation.

Benefits of HBOT
Decreased Amount of Time Required For Healing
Reduction of Inflammation and Swelling
Reduction of Pain and Discomfort
Assists White Blood Cells In Fighting Infection
Increases The Formation of New Blood Vessels
Increases Collagen Production
Promotes Greater Tissue Strength
Increases Stem Cell Production and Mobilization
HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is similar to diving underwater with an oxygen mask. This is why an HBOT treatment is often referred to as a dive. Your ears will pop as the pressure increases.
Your body's tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to heal. The increased pressure inside the hyperbaric chambers forces oxygen into your blood plasma and increases the total amount of oxygen available for healing. This helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. Furthermore, HBOT provides your neurons the oxygen they need to maintain healthy function. Furthermore, the oxygen helps reduce inflammation which allows the body's natural healing process to continue more effectively.
You should not schedule Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy if any of the following are true:
Mother expecting a child
Pneumothorax or any other lung pathology
Severe head cold
Optic Neuritis

Indiba Radio Frequency
INDIBA® is a non-invasive technology that uses radiofrequency current to create intense tissue stimulation. This radiofrequency system increases stem cell proliferation to damaged tissue to effectively heal injuries and promote lasting healing.
The power of the current can be increased to achieve a thermal effect, as well. Thermal protocols significantly increase blood flow to the treatment area, bringing increased oxygen and nutrients and flushing out inflammation and cellular waste. These actions are useful for many a wide range of specific benefits, depending on the type of cell and tissue treated.

NSI (Neuro Sensorimotor Integrator)
The NSI is specifically designed for Functional Neurologists. Using a 50 inch HD TV and touch screen, the NSI is designed to offer a host of therapy procedures to a wide range of patients requiring visual or neuro therapy following: Decelerated closed head injury, Accelerated closed head injury, Strokes and CVA, Concussion and Diffuse Axonal Injury, Whip Lash Injuries, MVA, Neurological Disorders, Vestibular and Balance Disorders and Upper Extremity or Spinal Cord Injury.
The programmable instrument offers protocols to improve: Pursuits, Saccades, Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Reaction Time, Speed and Span of Recognition, Visual-Vestibular Integration, Oculomotor Skills, Visual Motor Skills and Neuro-Cognitive Skills.

The Rebuilder stimulates the peripheral nerves. This activation returns the nerves to their normal firing. This signal emitted goes from one foot, up the leg to the nerve roots in your back, down the other leg, to the other foot. This also works and is used on the arms. The Rebuilder also carries a small muscle stimulus to enhance blood flow in the extremity by making use of the body's natural skeletal blood pump system.

RPSS (Repetitive Peripheral Somatosensory Stimulation)
RPSS uses low-dose electrical stimulation through peripheral nerves called “cranial nerves.” These cranial nerves originate in key areas of the brain, such as the amygdala, insular cortex, brain stem, and prefrontal cortex. RPSS helps reset and regulate the activity in these areas. Also, when these nerves are stimulated, they activate the parasympathetic system or “rest and digest.” By repetitively and intensely firing the parasympathetic system through these nerves, it then becomes the dominant system in use.

TMS Therapy (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
TMS is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. By targeting different regions that are contributing to various conditions, we are able to retrain the neurons to fire as they should. TMS Therapy is FDA approved for the treatment of depression, and has shown promising results for a number of other neurological issues.
For even more information about TMS, click below: